Parent Resources

Parent Resources

Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education Parent Survey

This parent survey is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education. BSE is seeking parent opinions about the special education services being provided. Parents are not required to participate in the survey, but BSE encourages them to do so. If you would like to participate, you must complete the survey no later than March 28, 2014.If you have any questions, you may call the Jersey Shore Area School District Department of Special Education at 570-398-5250 or the Special Education Consultline toll free at 1-800-879-2301.

Computing Technology for Math Excellence

 Math ResourcesElementary and Middle Levels:
Basic Mathematics and Skills Development
Plus Special Tech Resources for K-12

Education Planner.Org

 Making decisions about colleges and careers can seem overwhelming, especially when you are young. If you are feeling unprepared, know that you are not alone. We’re here to help.
This site provides a great deal of information about a large number of career opportunities. 

Family Education Network

 This website provides access to games, software, activities, and homework help.


G.A.P.S. is a Support Group for Parents and Guardians of individuals with special needs, offering advocacy skills training, networking, information, support and resources.

Khan Academy

Learn almost anything for free.  

With a library of over 2,800 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 295 practice exercises, we’re on a missionto help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.

Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Guide

 This website is designed to help students and their parents make plans for after high school. The website is organized by secondary transition topics that cover key areas, including post-secondary education and training,employment and community living. Information on the website is designed to highlight important subjectsand activities based on a student’s age. The website links to otherPennsylvania agencies and departments that support secondary transition.Materials for youth and families are added to the web portal frequently, so besure to add the website to your favorites and return to the site often!