Background Clearances
Revisions to the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) was recently signed into law by the Legislature. The revisions include a mandate directing any staff working with students to re-apply for certifications (clearances Act 34, 151, and FBI) every 5 years. The law took effect on February 16, 2016. The links listed below can be used for renewal of clearances and for application when applying for employment in the Jersey Shore Area District.
Act 34 Requirement
Effective January 1, 1986, all Pennsylvania residents must submit with their employment application a copy of a report of “Criminal History Record Information” from the Pennsylvania State Police or a statement from the Pennsylvania State Police that the State Police central repository contains no such information. Out-of-State applicants must submit with their application for employment a copy of a federal criminal record report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The criminal record report must be no more than five (5) years old and upon hiring, the applicant MUST submit the ORIGINAL report.
Act 151 Requirement
Effective July 1, 1995, all Pennsylvania residents must submit with their employment application a copy of a report of “Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance” from the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare. The child abuse report must be no more than five (5) years old and upon hiring, the applicant MUST submit the ORIGINAL report. You must choose “School Employee Governed by Public School Code: Applying as a school employee who is required to obtain background checks pursuant to Section 111 of the Public School Code.”
Federal Criminal History Background Check
Act 114 of 2006, Section 111 of the Public School Code was amended effective April 1, 2007. All prospective employees (including but not limited to administrators, teachers, substitutes, janitors, cafeteria workers, office employees) of public and private schools, Intermediate Units and area vocational-technical schools, including independent contractors and their employees and bus drivers, who have direct contact with children, must provide to their employer a copy of their Federal Criminal History Record that cannot be more than five (5) years old. The FBI clearances must be for PA Department of Education.
Please click on the link listed below to register for your fingerprints:
On the first page of the website you will be asked to enter a Service Code, please enter 1KG6XN for the PA Department of Education Fingerprint clearance.
The closest fingerprint facility is at 280 Kane Street, South Williamsport, PA 17702, once you register you will be asked to set an appointment date and time.