
The Jersey Shore Area School District will provide a supportive environment where all members learn, grow and succeed to positively impact the world around them.


The Jersey Shore Area School District will prepare students for the next step in their life’s plan.


  • Be college and/or career ready.
  • Be able to apply what they have learned effectively to face a wide range of challenges.
  • Be a good communicator.
  • Be both disciplined and creative.
  • Be an effective leader and good team member.
  • Be able to monitor their behavior and change it when necessary.
  • Be of high moral character and willing to serve others.
  • Be able to set a goal, develop a plan, and work toward achievement.
  • Be willing to persevere for the achievement of long-term goals.
  • Be innovative and proactive.
  • Be able to accelerate the learning they have achieved.
  • Be a lifelong learner.
  • Be reflective, tolerant, and inclusive while being contributing members of society.


Learning | Growing | Succeeding

District Goals

Goal 1:
The district will use multiple measures of data (process, demographic, perception and learning) to improve teaching, learning, and to help the district fulfill its vision of student achievement.

  • Identify the purpose of using data
  • Provide professional development on the use of data
  • Analyze data to establish instructional practices and target improvement areas
  • Create/charge building teams to analyze data
  • Check implementation of
    action plan

Goal 2:
Create a unified K-12 culture that encompasses a “Bulldog Nation” by focusing on community, teamwork and bulldog pride.

  • Create /building opportunities for K-12 connections
  • Promote school spirit within the community
  • Establish district-wide opportunities to showcase school pride
  • Create and share district expectations for Bulldog employees
  • A Bulldog is:
    a. Courageous

    b. Loyal
    c. Tenacious
    d. Principled
    e. Compassionate

Goal 3:
Enhance Opportunities for students to prepare for their future.

  • Review current course offerings and identify gaps, needs and opportunities for growth
  • Investigate K-6 curriculum alignment to prepare students
  • Identify staffing needs/changes for K-12 curriculum and program offerings