Employment Applications

Standard Teaching Application (to be used for #3 in the online JSASD Certificated Staff Application.)
Non-Certificated Employment Application (to be used to apply for non-teaching positions)
Classified Staff Application
To apply for a Classified staff (Para-professionals, Food Service, Crossing Guard, Lunch Monitor, Event Staff, Game Staff and Custodian) position please complete the application listed below and include copies of clearances that are less than five years old:
  1. 2. Act 34 Clearance–Criminal Record
    3. Act 114 Clearance–FBI Fingerprint
    4. Act 151 Clearance–Child Abuse History

Applications should be directed to the Superintendent’s Office:

Jersey Shore Area School District
Dr. Brian T. Ulmer
175 A & P Drive
Jersey Shore, PA  17740


Athletic Staff Applications

To Apply for a Coaching or Athletic Staff position please complete the appropriate application below and include copies of clearances that are less than five years old:

  1. Coach Application    OR      Athletic Staff Application
  2. Act 34 Clearance – Criminal Record
  3. Act 114 Clearance – FBI Fingerprint
  4. Act 151 Clearance – Child Abuse History

Athletic Volunteer Application

Applications for Athletic Staff should be directed to the Athletic Director:

William Mincer, Athletic Director
Jersey Shore Area High School
701 Cemetery Street
Jersey Shore, PA  17740