
Jersey Shore Area School District
175 A&P Drive
Jersey Shore, PA  17740
570.398.5089 fax

Students should report to their bus stops 10 minutes prior to the times stated on the schedules.

During the first few days of classes, buses will pick up all students waiting at bus stops–even if the student does not appear on a roster.  The student will provide the name to the bus driver if not on a roster, and the student’s eligibility to be transported will be determined later.  The goal is to make sure all students arrive at school safely; no one will be left behind.
All bus schedules are subject to change and refinement by the bus companies in conjunction with the transportation office based on experience in the opening days of school. 
During these first few days of school, there will be some questions and concerns about the schedules.  Remember, everyone will be transported and issues resolved later. 
During the first week of school and into the second week of school, bus schedules on the trip home may take longer than planned as students are oriented to bus dismissal procedures at their respective schools–especially for kindergarten students who are riding buses for the first time.  The staff at each elementary school take great care to ensure that students learn the correct dismissal procedures and board the correct bus.  Each school will be establishing a dismissal routine for all students.
The district and the bus contractors reserve the right to alter the bus schedule based on new student enrollments; student withdrawals; bus capacity; and the greatest route efficiency.  During the first week of school, the bus drivers are busy learning who the students are, who and who will not be riding their buses,  and will make any necessary adjustments.
As you look at your child’s schedule, please note that it is possible that a student may ride one bus in the morning and a different bus in the afternoon.
The Parent Request for Transportation Forms will be accepted until June 30th each summer for the start of the following school year.  You may find the form at: — Information — Forms — Transportation — Parent Request for Transportation Form. 
Laura Osenbach, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent
Photo of Dr. Laura Osenbach
Assistant Superintendent
Work Phone: 570.398.1566 x71630
Categories: Administration
Updated 4 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Kelli Paulhamus
Secretary–Purchasing & Transportation Administration Building
Work Phone: 570.398.5058 x71670
Categories: Administration
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