The Six Pillars of Character in Sports
- Always pursue victory with Honor.
- Demonstrate and demand scrupulous and integrity.
- Observe and enforce the spirit and the letter of the rule.
- Don’t compromise education and character-development goals
- Don’t engage in or tolerate dishonesty, cheating, or dishonorable conduct.
- Treat the traditions of the sport and other participants with respect
- Don’t engage in or tolerate disrespectful conduct including verbal abuse of opponents, officials, coaches, school personal, profane of belligerent “Trash Talking,” taunting or unseemly celebration
- Realize you aren’t the only one on the team, and that it is an honor and a privilege to be part of that team.
- Win with grace and lose with Dignity
- Be a positive role model on and off the field and require the same of your fellow athletes, coaches, and parents.
- Further your mental, social, and moral development and learn life skills that can help you enhance your personal success and Social responsibility.
- Maintain a basic knowledge and strive to know the most you can about your sport.
- Adhere to high standards of fair play.
- Treat others fairly and according to their ability.
- Never take unfair advantage
- Be open-minded
- Help your teammates and fellow students out when you can, in school and in practice and on the game field. A caring person is a successful person
- Avoid Gamesmanship and promote sportsmanship by honoring the rules and goals of the sport
- Follow all CODES of conduct from you school and your coaches, and parents
- Safeguard your health and your eligibility don’t use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
- Comply with all the laws and regulations, from team, to your school, to the PIAA to the NHFS
Standards of Sportsmanship for Jersey Shore Area School District
Acceptable Behavior
- Applause during introductions of players, coaches, and officials
- Players shaking hands with opponents who fouled out while both sets of fans recognize a player’s performance with applause
- Accept all decisions of officials as final
- Cheerleaders lead fans in positive school cheers in a positive manner
- Handshakes between contestants and coaches before and after a game, regardless of outcomes
- Treat competition as a game not a war
- Coaches and athletes search out and congratulate opposing team and coaches
- Applause at the end of contest for all performances by all participants
- Everyone showing concern if a player is injured, regardless of the team.
- Encourage only sportsmanlike conduct
Unacceptable Behavior
- Yelling or waving arms during opponents free-throw attempt
- Disrespectful or derogatory remarks, chants, yells, songs, or gestures
- Booing or heckling the official
- Criticizing the officials in any way; displays of temper with an officials call
- Yells that antagonize opponents
- Refusing to shake hands or give recognition to a good performance
- Blaming a loss on an official, coach or participant
- Use of profanity or displays of anger that draw attention away from the game
** Please note that in the Jersey Shore Area School District Athletic Department we strive to maintain a level of sportsmanship that is unmatched in the area. If your athlete is ejected from an athletic contest for unsportsmanlike conduct by a PIAA official on 2 occasions in 1 season they will be dismissed from the team. A formal protest for an ejection may be filed with the athletic director (in writing with coaches’ signature) in the event that an official made a mistake and ejected the wrong student. Athletes should make that protest no later than 2 days after the ejection. It will not change the PIAA sanctions of sitting the next contest but may erase an ejection from the athlete’s record at the school. All Students ejected from an athletic event for unsportsmanlike conduct will be required to write a letter of apology to the opposing school, and officials for their behavior, prior to resuming play. The letter will be turned into the Athletic office to see that it is delivered to the appropriate persons.