Illnesses and Injuries
If a student is injured or feels ill they should be seen by the school nurse for care. Minor illnesses and injuries will be treated and the student will return to class. We encourage students that are ill before school to stay home. Once in school we will encourage the student to remain in school unless symptoms worsen.
Parents will be notified if their child needs to go home. If unable to reach a parent the emergency contact person will be called. Please contact the main office and the nurse with any changes in phone numbers or persons to contact. In the event of a serious injury or illness emergency services will be called and the student will be taken to the nearest hospital.
If your child is injured and has limited physical activity please send a letter from your health care provider stating specifics as to what your child is and is not allowed to do. We need the doctor to write how long these specific restrictions are to be followed. A copy will be given to the physical education teacher, elementary teacher, and depending on the circumstance other teachers as well.
Students should stay home if:
- Fever over 100 degrees in past 24 hours
- Vomiting or diarrhea in past 24 hours
- Red with drainage from eyes
- Persistent coughing
- Unidentified rash