Pennsylvania mandated screenings are completed by the school nurse during the school year. They can also be requested by a parent or staff member if they think there may be a problem. Any student that fails a screening will have a referral mailed home for further evaluation by your family health provider or a specialist.
- Height and Weight: Grades K-12
- Body Mass Index (BMI): Grades K-12
- Vision ( near and far): Grades K-12
- Vision (Plus lens, color blindness): Grade 2
- Hearing: Grades K-1-2-3-7-11
- Scoliosis: Grades 6 + 7
Medical and Dental Examinations
We encourage parents to take their children to their family health care provider and family dentist for the required exams. Your family providers know your child and can begin prompt treatment if indicated. Exams done within one year prior to the opening of school or during the school year are accepted.
Required Exams:
- Physical: On original entry in K or grade 1, Grades 6 + 11.
- Dental: On original entry in K or grade 1, Grades 3 + 7.
The above exams can be given by your family doctor and dentist or at school by the school doctor/dentist at no charge.
Sports Physicals: Sports physicals are given yearly during the month of June for the next school year. Check our athletic website on the main menu for more information.