Accelerated Reader (A.R.)

Accelerated Reader (AR) is an online tool used to monitor and encourage students’ independent reading.  At the beginning of each marking period, students take a STAR test, which provides teachers, parents, and students with their most up-to-date independent reading level/range.  Based on this level and on the student’s individual personality, interests and motivation, the teacher and student determine a personalized AR goal for the marking period.  Students select and read books independently and take AR comprehension quizzes online.  Parents can monitor their children’s progress toward their goals by logging on to Renaissance Learning’s Home Connect.  Home Connect allows parents to access real-time information on their child’s progress, sign up to receive emails about quiz activity, stay up to date, and keep their child motivated.  Contact your child’s teacher today to sign up for Home Connect!

For more information on Accelerated Reader, visit

For more information on Home Connect, visit

In order to find out the AR level of any book you have at home, log on to AR Book Finder at  Simply type in the title of the book your child would like to read, and Book Finder will tell you its AR level.  Look for BL, which stands for ATOS Book Level.  ATOS Book Levels are reported using the ATOS readability formula and represent the difficulty of the text. For example, a book level of 4.5 means the text could likely be read independently by a student whose reading skills are at the level of a typical fourth grader during the fifth month of school.