Mission Statement

Our Mission:

The Jersey Shore Area School District will provide a supportive environment where all members learn, grow and succeed to positively impact the world around them.

Our Vision:

The Jersey Shore Area School District will prepare students for the next step in their life’s plan.


  • Be college and/or career ready.
  • Be able to apply what they have learned effectively to face a wide range of challenges.
  • Be a good communicator.
  • Be both disciplined and creative.
  • Be an effective leader and good team member.
  • Be able to monitor their behavior and change it when necessary.
  • Be of high moral character and willing to serve others.
  • Be able to set a goal, develop a plan, and work toward achievement.
  • Be willing to persevere for the achievement of long-term goals.
  • Be innovative and proactive.
  • Be able to accelerate the learning they have achieved.
  • Be a lifelong learner.
  • Be reflective, tolerant, and inclusive while being contributing members of society.

Our Motto:

Learning | Growing | Succeeding

District Goals (Click to view)