Community Letter 5.30.24

May 30, 2024

Hello Bulldogs,

We did it! School year 2023-2024 is over.

Please take some time this summer to rest and relax with your student scholars. They worked hard this year and are 180 days of school smarter.

So much has happened this school year that it was hard to make a list. It seems impossible that the year is over and yet when you think about what we came through, last fall seems forever ago.

This week, I received a Thank You note from the senior class officers. There were two lines that moved me, but I cannot be the only one that receives the credit. The Bulldog Nation has supported us all through this year. As the seniors wrote “your support made a significant difference” and you are a “source of strength and comfort.”

I am honored to lead the Jersey Shore Area School District for another year and I wish you all a wonderful summer.

Dr. Ulmer